Jajanan minuman dingin di pinggir jalan sudah sepantasnya dipertanyakan kebersihannya. Sebab, es yang digunakan adalah bukan air masak yang mana membahayakan kesehatan. Es batu “kw” istilahnya.
Jelas isu tersebut membuahkan kerugian kesehatan. Tidak hanya soal keracunan sementara, tapi salah-salah bisa jadi masih menyimpan bakteri atau virus yang mematikan.
Minuman apapun yang tidak melalui proses penyiapan yang higienis atau pun proses masak matang, dapat menyebabkan keracunan karena bakteri yang terkandung dalam air, yaitu bakteri Salmonella enteriditis.
Meskipun memang tidak semua cairan mengandung bakteriSalmonella, namun mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati. Tapi bukankah telah diisukan es yang beredar di jajanan pinggir jalan populer diyakini menggunakan es yang diragukan higienitasnya?
Yang Berisiko Keracunan Salmonella
Semua orang berisiko, namun demikian ada beberapa kalangan yang memiliki lebih besar risiko, berikut diantaranya: Orang lanjut usia, anak-anak, dan mereka yang memiliki daya tahan tubuh lemah (pengidap HIV-AIDS, diabetes) sangat berisiko terkena infeksi ini dan gejalanya bisa lebih berat. Pada pasien-pasien ini, infeksi dapat menyebar dari saluran pencernaan ke pembuluh darah.
Biasanya, seperti dilansir KlikDokter, gejala muncul 6-36 jam setelah mengkonsumsi makanan yang tidak higienis, berupa:
· Mual
· Muntah
· Pusing
· Dehidrasi (kekurangan cairan)
· Demam
· Nyeri perut
· Diare
Tak sedikit dari kita tidak pernah tahu kapan es yang kotor ini digunakan di dalam sajian air minum kita.
Seorang muslim memang harus berhati-hati, karena masalah makanan dalam Islam tidak hanya berkaitan dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan zat gizi bagi tubuh yang dengannya bisa menjadi sehat dan kuat, tapi menyangkut pemenuhan tuntutan doktrin transenden, yaitu perintah Allah agar seorang muslim harus memakan yang halal dan baik (halal dan thayyib). Tidak cukup hanya halal, tapi juga baik (higienis). (pm)
Ana Ash’ari . Ibn Taymiyyah was arrested for creims in which if found guilty he would have been executed as a kaafir, but due to his repentance, the judges deemed him as a believer, but gave him a custodial sentence in which Ibn Taymiyyah died within. He was buried in the Sufi graveyard in Damascus and prayed over by the very judges who imprisoned him which shows that he was buried a believer. His reckoning is with Allah. The Hanbalis have refuted Ibn Taymiyyah’s works in a very subtle manner. Ibn Muflih, for example, has taken the Imaam’s Majmu’a al-Fatawaa and expunged all the deviant points only to re-release it as a work called Kitaab ul-Furu. Out of the many deviant things that Ibn Taymiyyah said, this only makes up about 5-10 percent of his works. He has done praiseworthy books that Sufis of this agr are only beginning to know about. His commentary on Shakh Abdul Qaadir al-Jilaani’s Futuh al-Ghayb is simply amazing, his book speaking about the Maliki madh-hab is beautiful and enlightening. I am presently reading his book The Friends of Allah and the Friends of Shaytaan Dr Tahir al-Qadri utilized this book to do a lecture about the Awliyah of Allah. There have been many mujaddid Imaams that have praised Ibn Taymiyyah as being a Shaykh ul-Islam in knowledge, meaning that he was a master of the 18 sciences even though he went Anakin skywalker . up until his death [the darth vader death being a suitable parable] Imaam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalaani, Ibn Katheer, Ibn Rajab al-Hanabli, Imaam adh-Dhahabi, Imaam as-Suyuti who are all Shaykhs of Islam called him Shaykh ul-Islam. Ibn Taymiyyah is therefore a character we need to be cautious of. Do not take from him unless you know a saheeh scholar has ventured into that area and permitted it for you, and my general advice to all is to be very cautious and do not go overboard when speaking about him. We should only say what we need to say about him and leave it at that. Thank you dearly for your noble question
That’s the best answer of all time! JMHO
As Charlie Sheen says, this article is “WINNING!”
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